Carillon Park Wedding Photos & Information

Carillon Park Weddings

Choose this living history venue, Carillon Historical Park, if you love Dayton and want to be surrounded by historic buildings and vintage transportation. The property is large enough that two weddings can be on-site simultaneously. A full-size train operating around the property’s historic buildings can provide an activity for early-arrival guests. While this won’t be running after hours, it may still be available for use as a backdrop as well.

My Take On Having A Wedding At Carillon Historical Park:

Dayton History’s main campus is a great wedding venue in western Ohio. This national historical landmark and museum features some of the most important buildings and vehicles in the City’s history. For a history buff, this park is a fun and unique place at which to have your wedding and reception. The wedding parties below were so much fun and allowed me to photograph them on a carousel and at historic buildings across the property. A Carillon Park wedding is a must-do wedding venue for any person who loves Dayton as much as I do.

Eichelberger Pavilion

The Eichelberger Pavilion is the newest and largest event center on the property. Added just a few years ago, this gigantic indoor two-story reception hall is great for large wedding, receptions, and corporate parties. The first time I walked in I audibly said “Oh my gosh, this is huge!” It is an open-concept space which allows for whatever table setup you can dream up. The second floor is a balcony overlooking the main floor and can be used for other purposes at a reception.

Transportation Center

For more than a decade the Carillon Park Transportation Center was my favorite indoor venue. This small event space, situated at the western edge of the property close to the Reynolds & Reynolds clock tower, features a dozen vintage buses, train, and trolley cars. I have always loved public transportation, so I loved this venue. It is compact, so whatever the maximum capacity is, I’d reduce it by about 10-15%. When it is packed, movement between tables, bar, and buffet is limited. There is an outdoor area just to the south that can be used for outdoor activities.

Other Backdrops And Things To See

Since this is a working historical center, there are dozens of buildings saved from Dayton’s past. I have favorites such as the piece of the Old River pool from when I was child. If you are having your event here, take a look at all the structures and have in mind some you like. I’ll incorporate them into your wedding photos. There is a vintage carousel inside that can sometimes be used for wedding photos too. There isn’t much space for the photographer to stand, so don’t expect a wide angle of the entire thing. Close-ups and medium shots look great here, however.

Tip: It is a long walk to the Transportation Center, so guests with disabilities may need assistance. They offer a golf cart service, but I am unsure if there is a cost. Inquire with the booking folks about extra services. Weddings in the Eichelberger Pavilion inside the main building are easily accessible from the parking lot.