Los Angeles Warner Brothers Studio Tour And Paramount Studios Tour 2023

On my 2023 trip to Los Angeles, I accomplished a travel goal I’ve had for many years. I went on two Hollywood studio tours, Warner Brothers and Paramount Studios. Each studio was different in many ways, but both were awesome. If you’re in the L.A. area, I highly recommend these tours.

Warner Brothers Studio Tour Review

The Warner Brothers studio tour was quite expensive. However, the quality of the tour, tour facilities, parking garage, and length all made it 100% worth it. You start out in a beautiful building surrounded by Barbie movie props and costumes. This blew my mind! Then you wait in a room filled with WB memorabilia and photos. I paid for the upgraded tour, so I entered a special room which had snack, drinks, and priority tour access. There were hundreds of guests and many tour guides driving large golf carts.

The tour consisted of the Warner Brothers jungle set, showcasing areas used in Jurassic Park and True Blood. There was also a ton of time spent on the back lot New York City set which was amazing. We saw how building facades were transformed into amazing and iconic movies. We got to walk through a tiny fraction of the prop warehouse. It was an organized hoarder’s paradise. The best part of the tour for me was to sit on the actual couch and set from Central Perk, Friends TV show’s coffee house.

Paramount Studios

This studio tour was small and private by comparison. There were only 4 of us on the tour, and we had the entire studio lot to ourselves. We saw the various back lot sets as well as many famous sound stages. The coolest thing on this tour was seeing the spot (behind a medical building) were Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis had a romantic scene, supposedly on her porch. What movie magic! This tour was considerably cheaper but shorter too. I would do both again!

See more of my travel photography adventures here.

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