Early Morning Engagement Photos At A Park South Of Dayton

Creating Engagement Photos At A Park South Of Dayton

I was looking forward to this couple a lot since she had been very good at communicating with me. At the park opening, 8 am, I set out to create engagement photos at a park south of Dayton. Ideally, the best light was already gone by 8 am, but I made do with the sun and clouds. Cox Arboretum is a beautiful and busy park, but there is a way to avoid the crowds.

Why Morning Is Important For Engagement Photos At A Park South Of Dayton

Early morning is my favorite time to create engagement photos and family photos. The lack of people disrupting the photoshoot is the primary reason. While I respect the other guests, they are often not aware when they are walking into a photoshoot. Photographers using the MetroPark for shoots is probably the reason for needing a permit. The second reason I love mornings is the good light. While 8 am in the summer is too late for the best light, 8 am in the Fall is perfect. Of course, this all depends on rain, humidity, and other factors.

Stress Of The Day

Another benefit to morning photoshoots is the stress of the day hasn’t happened yet. We all know as a day goes on, things build up, schedules get messed up, and errands weigh on us. Making the shoot your first thing in the morning avoids all of this stress. In addition, couples who are anxious about the session don’t have much time to worry. Get up, shower, shoot, and it is over!

Freshly Showered & Hair Is Done

The final benefit of a morning photoshoot is purely superficial. By being the first event of the day, the couple is freshly showered, and made up, and their hair is looking good. We all know what a humid afternoon can do to someone’s hair. Let’s get the session out of the way for the best results.