New York City Engagement Photographer And Central Park Engagement Photos

NYC Engagement Photographer

A few years ago on the hottest weekend of my life, I had the pleasure of photographing this awesome couple in New York City’s Central Park.  I have been a Dayton engagement photographer, capturing sessions all over Ohio, but this was the first time I was able to create beautiful Central Park engagement photos.

The weekend I was doing Central Park engagement photography was extremely hot with high humidity.  It was nearly unbearable, and the couple and I did our best given the conditions.  It was a once-in-a-lifetime photography opportunity, and I am very happy with how these engagement photos from New York City turned out.  It was an amazing day being New York City engagement photographer!

Central Park Engagement Photography; Central Park Engagement Photographer; Central Park Photographer; Central Park NYC Engagement Photos; Central Park Engagement Photos; NYC Engagement Photographer; NYC Engagement Photography;

The Hottest Day To Take Central Park Engagement Photos

The day we took these photos, it was incredibly hot and humid. In retrospect, we probably shouldn’t have been outside. But we were in NYC for this purpose, so we went forward with it. For being miserably hot, the pictures still turned out great. I am still friends with this couple, and I love that! When I visit their house, some of my New York City prints are still hanging on the wall.

You may notice the lack of people in the park. Besides the heat, we did an early morning session. This was in part to have an empty park and also for the best light. Golden hour in the even would be beautiful too, but there would be thousands of New Yorkers all around. By the time we finished, there were people streaming into this world-famous park.

If you are a newly engaged couple who wants your engagement photos taken in New York City, contact me. We can make a travel-for-photography deal. I work alone, so I can give you 5 hours of time in NYC. It would blow my mind to do this again, especially on a cooler day.

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New York City Engagement Photographer Central Park Engagement Photos